The Ørestad Traffic Passenger Demand Model, version 5.0
Vuk and Hansen ("Validating the passenger traffic model for Copenhagen", Transportation, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 371-392. 2006) have validated the present version of the Ørestad traffic model (version 4.0 from summer 2000) and concluded that a major drawback of the model is outdated base 1992 matrices. With respect to planning of the alignment of the Metro’s phase 4, the so called Metro City Ring, a group of clients headed by the Ministry of Energy and Transport wished to upgrade OTM 4.0 to a new version, ver. 5.0, where a number of improvements were proposed. Most importantly the OTM 5.0 includes new base 2004 matrices. The main aim of the paper is to provide a description of the new base matrices as well as changes in the model estimations.
Goran Vuk (1), Christian Overgaard Hansen (2) and Otto Anker Nielsen (2)
(1) Danish Transport Research Institute; (2) Centre for Traffic and Transport at DTU
Danske Keywords:
travel matrices, disaggregate data, VOT, tour modelling
Engelske Keywords:
travel matrices, disaggregate data, VOT, tour modelling
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