Under the umbrella of TRANSFORSK '95 projects, TetraPlan AS has developed a mode
choice model for Danish international freight transport. The objective of the model is to
forecast the future demands for rail and sea transports relative to lorry transport, when
supply variables change. To achieve the above goal a number of ideas are built in the model
structure. These ideas are listed below:
* To combine data in the model structure not only different in their nature, i.e., revealed
and/vs. stated preference data, but also data collected in a number of independent domestic
freight projects,
* To include as many variables in the model structure, which can be found in the revealed
preference data, and measure their importance in the fore-casts relative to transport costs
and transport time, and
* To find a method of how variables found only in the stated preference data can be used
for the forecasting purposes.
Goran Jovicic, TetraPlan AS
Key words - dansk
Key words - engelsk
Mode choice, goods transport, hierarchical logit model, stated preference and
revealed preference methods
Side 157